A Closer Look At Lower Right Back Pain

Photo of Woman in Pain
Backaches are common and frequent complaints in the doctor’s office. As such, those who are caught with this dilemma are constantly looking for information pertaining to this condition, and they should be as the information is oftentimes the key in finding the remedy to a problem. Backaches are of several categories. They may either be acute or chronic and may manifest in different areas of the back. Lower right back pain is one of the most prevalent forms of backaches that may not only be a minor discomfort but it can go to the extent of being distressing.…

Modafinil – a Potential Treatment for Narcolepsy and other Sleep Disorders

Woman who can't sleep and still awake at 3am
Sleep disorders are potentially chronic and mostly affect those suffering from disorders. Long-term suffering from these disorders may prove fatal, and it is better to contact a physician when one notices any symptoms. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which breathing starts and stops repeatedly whereas narcolepsy is a long-term neurological disorder that causes uncontrollable sleepiness, especially during the day. 50 to 70 million people in the US suffer from one or several sleep disorders. The answer to neurological disorders is a prescription away. Modafinil is an FDA-approved medication that aids with the above disorders.…

Options for Treatment of Ringing in the Ears

Ringing ears
Noise is generally annoying. What more if it’s in your ears and constantly bothering you? Such can be the case with ringing in the ears. Ringing in the ears is otherwise known as tinnitus, and it affects millions of people all over. The condition of ringing in the ears varies in severity. For others, it can just be a mild buzzing, humming or ringing. It can happen intermittently for a few seconds and then disappear. But for some people, tinnitus can be significantly irritating. That buzzing, humming or ringing sound can be so loud.…

The Low Cholesterol Diet To Go For Better Health

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Certainly not many people like the sound of cholesterol. When one says cholesterol, what comes into mind are fat, oil and grease. Those are rather unpleasant. More so as they can bring about a condition called high cholesterol. And high cholesterol can put one at risk for heart disease, heart attack, and even stroke. Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by your liver and obtained by eating animal products such as meat, dairy and eggs. They are by no doubt deadly. To ward them off, it may be necessary for one to go on a low cholesterol diet.…

Home Health Care for People with Mental Illness

Photo of depressed person
Mental illness can wreak so much havoc on a person and their families. But the reality of mental illness is disheartening, and statistics are alarming. Twenty-five percent of people living in the United Kingdom have some sort of mental issue, and this is quite a large number. Among these mental health issues are schizophrenia, manic depression and anxiety to mention a few. Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.—43.8 million, or 18.5%—experiences mental illness in a given year. Many of these people are in need of home healthcare.…

Getting In Shape With Water Aerobics

Photo of water aerobics session
Swimming is fun, and getting into the water can be refreshing. What more if one exercise while doing it wading in the water. That would not seem like working out at all and simply just having a great time, right? That’s how it can be with water aerobics. This form of aerobic exercise is becoming quite more popular. What’s more, it is low impact, so one need not take it hard when exercising. There are many reasons why one can enjoy water aerobics. For one thing, it can be an efficient way of working out.…

The Need For Nurses Doing Home Nursing Jobs

Photo of home nurse
There is a rising trend towards the need for home health care. People are generally becoming busier as everybody needs to make a living. Such is why when there is a debilitated family member, assistance is needed. By this assistance, it may mean that of a health professional’s, or a homecare professional. And then again, such is why home health care professionals and services are increasingly becoming more in demand. Being a home health care professional is among the most lucrative and promising career choices of the time.…

Psychic Ability And The Third Eye Chakra

Photo of third eye
People with psychic ability are able to foresee the future. Other than that, they can also see and sense things which others cannot. The subject of psychic ability is in fact too broad to explain. But it is an interesting subject. As the realm of psychic ability is too expansive and profound, countless notions abound pertaining to it. The third eye chakra is the energy center in our body responsible for reality, perception, manifesting, thought, and intuition. It is said that one has the psychic ability when their third eye is open.…

Feminization Hypnosis: Unleashing The Woman Within

photo of hypnosis session
Many people may well be aware of the power of hypnosis. When one tries to make sense out of it, hypnosis is basically fine-tuning and reprogramming the mind’s software. When properly done, hypnosis can liberate an individual from binding fears and habits. It can even spare them from pain. Hypnosis actually has scientific grounding but to an outsider’s eyes, it may seem like magic. But such “outsiders” better brace themselves for something so astounding called feminization hypnosis. By all means, the purpose of feminization hypnosis is to “feminize” an individual.…

Iyengar Yoga: Enhancing The Joy Of Anticipation

Photo of yoga pose
Pregnancy can be one of the momentous events in a woman’s life. The anticipation of giving life can be an exhilarating experience if not for the discomforts experienced during the nine-month period of bearing another being within her. True, pregnancy can bring elation to a mother-to-be but it is not at all bliss as physical discomforts and anxieties go with pregnancy too. As every mother-to-be desires that she and her baby be at the peak of health during and after the pregnancy, it is necessary that stress levels be reduced, the strain is eased and relaxation is promoted during this period.…